
Wolfsbane Part Thirteen :wolf!PrussiaXReader:

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           Wolfsbane: Part Thirteen


Gilbert's instincts were telling him to get the hell out of the way before the wolfish monster's paw slammed into his side and set his fur on fire. Yet, he could do nothing but gaze into the vacant (e/c) eyes of the creature, his muscles bunching and coiling as his body urged him on to just run.

"Bruder, get out of the way!"

Something slammed into Gilbert's side, but it wasn't a flaming monstrous paw.

Gilbert yelped in shock as he was propelled a good few feet away, the fur on his back prickling as the heat of the fires became alarmingly close. Instantly he was back on all fours, his upper lip curled in a snarl and fangs bared as his crimson eyes scanned the area. They widened when standing before him was a familiar smelling wolf with black fur and eyes as icy as the northern seas, his entire body rippling with muscles poised for a fight.

The white wolf blinked rapidly, before his tail began to wag to and fro and a grin spread across his jaws. "Luddy! What are you doing here—"

A demonic roar from the burning wolf creature cut off Gilbert's sentence and immediately the impulse to duck hit him. Following the urge, Gilbert lay against the ground with his body practically flattened against it, and a stream of flames barely caught the tip of his head as it bloomed over him like a cruel parody of a waterfall.

"Obviously, there's no time to explain," Ludwig snapped as Gilbert raised himself back up to see the monster with (name)'s eyes place itself before the two brothers, tendrils of fire licking around its muzzle as it growled deep in its throat. "I'm here to make sure you don't get yourself killed, like you almost did just now! What the hell is wrong with you, and what is that thing?"

"It's…I…it's…" Gilbert swallowed as he and Ludwig both crept backwards a couple of inches as the wolf of black flames stared both of them down with lifeless eyes that were exactly like (name)'s. The monstrous creature was practically drooling flames, and they added to the spread of the already out of control hellfire that burned and flickered all around.

His home was still being devoured by flames, and all Gilbert was doing was staring down the beast that had caused it.

"Poor, dearest Gilbert…watching your precious home burn like this must be quite hard for you! Especially when you can only stand here and do nothing…all Shifters are useless against the glory of powers such as these! Oh, and might I add something? I am certain you are terribly concerned as to where sweet (name) has run off to…am I correct?"

Both Gilbert and Ludwig's heads snapped up at the sound of the unfamiliar, disembodied voice that floated through the air. It seemed to fit perfectly with the malignant crackle of the flames as they continued their feast of trees and grass; it was a voice just as wicked and full of calamity as the hellfire spurting from the beast's body. The not-wolf leered down at the two brothers, the eyes that were once just like (name)'s now a poisonous, malicious violet. A sense of dread and horror slowly made its way into Gilbert's chest, weighing him down like lead chains wrapped tight around his heart. The chains gave a little squeeze, and he let out a low snarl.

"Who the hell are you?!"

Ludwig's own hackles were raised as he growled as well, deep and threatening in the back of his throat.

A cold, venomous laugh spewed from the monster's jaws, along with more flames, and Gilbert's blood felt as if ice crystals had suddenly taken over his veins.

"Isn't it obvious, you foolish mutt? I am she who went forth and did the Goddess's bidding. I am she whose magic were the most powerful of all Casters so long ago. I am the one and only Aurix, Gilbert and Ludwig Beilschmidt. And your (name)? Well…let's just say, the poor dear is currently in a spot of trouble. A bit of a mistaken identity case, I suppose you could call it."

Rage instantly replaced the ice that flowed through his veins, and Gilbert could see nothing but red—and it was most definitely not the glowing scarlet of the flames that still continued to flicker and burn all around him. Fangs bared, hackles raised, ears laid flat back against his skull, Gilbert did not even think twice before flinging himself at the ignited form of the wolf creature, snarling with pure wrath.


He didn't even flinch when the monster opened its jaws and a column of black flames billowed out towards him.

Time seemed to halt indefinitely in a matter of milliseconds. Whatever insult—or distress—Ludwig had screamed in the moment Gilbert had jumped fell away into silence. The world appeared to simply cease existing for Gilbert as nothing but white-hot heat enveloped his entire body, and darkness accompanied the blistering sensation. Laughter was the last thing he heard before everything shut off; the laughter of an ancient Caster, triumphant and diabolical in her giggling.

"Ah, Alaric, I wish you could see how senseless your blood has grown~!"

Then there was nothing.


Brightness flooded your senses like someone was shining a flashlight straight into your eyes. Your limbs felt heavy; limp, as if someone has drugged you with a strong dose of morphine for about three days straight. With difficulty, your eyes slowly managed to flutter open, an exhausted groan escaping your lips in the process.

"Ugh…where am I…?"

Immediately your eyes were met with a somewhat startling scene before you: a large wolf with yellowish-tan fur and scrutinizing blue eyes, and a male and female lion with light brown hair; the male had a shaggy mane and honey colored eyes, while the female had eyes that were the shade of a deep forest. You stared at the three animals in silence for a few moments, before a shriek became stuck in your throat and you attempted to squirm backwards as far away from them as you could.

"D-Don't eat me!"

A low, rumbling sound came forth from each of the animals' throats, giving you the impression you were being laughed at. Your eyes narrowed in anger, before widening once you had realized just what exactly your surroundings currently were.

Nothing but a bright whiteness as far as the eyes could see—excluding, of course, the colorization of the three beasts currently surrounding you as if they were your jailers.

"Eat you, child?" the wolf spoke, its voice deep and German-accented. It was most definitely a male tone, and he glanced at you somewhat humorously. "Whatever gave you that impression?"

"Bella, we would never dream of consuming human flesh!" the male lion protested in a husky, Italian accent, seeming to grin widely.

"Do not be frightened of us, little one. We are here to help," the female lion added in a calm, Grecian tone.

Comprehension grabbed hold of your mind like a snake, and you nearly fell back in shock at the epiphany as you rose a trembling finger and pointed to each animal in turn, speaking in a hushed voice.


The wolf nodded, padding over to you and pressing his cold nose against your hand. "Ja, (name). We have been waiting for you for some time. It seems you are in a bit of a mess at the moment…ja?"

The two lions also crept closer, purring deep in their throats as they gazed up at you with glittering eyes. "And you could use some assistance, I presume," the male added cheerfully as the female batted your side with her tail playfully.

"Assistance…? With what…?"

Yet again, in a flash, another epiphany sprung on you.

I met Aurix…

We spoke…

She got angry and threatened Gilbert when I refused to help her!

And I think she…she did something...

…where am I…?

Your throat felt dry and like it was closing up, and the only thing you could do was stare down at the incessant whiteness that you stood on. It was like the opposite of Natalia's nightmare world; where instead of everything being dark and shadowy, this was bright and clear.

Biting your lip, you finally raised your head somewhat to meet the gazes of the three ancient Shifters, worry creasing your brow. "…where am I?"

Alaric sat back on his haunches, blinking once before seeming to sigh. "You are…in a state of suspension, Mädchen. Your soul has taken refuge in another plane of existence while your body is being taken over by Aurix. We have 'lived' this way for millennia, waiting for you."

Before you could object, Romulus cut in. "Right now, your body has been twisted into a creature of the Caster woman's own design. If you cannot get it back within a night, your soul will remain here forever."

"However, we shall make sure that does not happen." Leena gave you a curt nod. "We've waited this long to assist you, (name), so we shall not let you down."

"You waited for me…? But…but I…I'm…I-I'm so confused right now," you managed to get out, mind spinning at this influx of new information. Your (e/c) eyes seemed to go foggy for a moment, and you blinked rapidly as a strange image entered your mind—a forest, burning? You shook your head and the image was immediately gone, as was the fogginess in your eyesight.

"Ja. We waited for you. You see, (name)…" Alaric looked to his two companions before continuing on, who nodded. "The relationship between Shifters and Casters was not what everyone in your time thinks it once was. In our time…we were allies." The sharp intake of breath from your side made him pause, but when you did nothing but stare, the wolf continued on as if nothing had happened. "The gods—the nameless, many gods—gifted a selected group of humans and beasts glorious powers. Powers beyond any normal human comprehension. The beasts could live with a human skin, as well as being able to perform certain magics if they chose. The humans were able to harness the energy of the universe in seven basic elements: water, fire, earth, air, light, and darkness."

Romulus took up the conversation when Alaric finished his sentence. "For a short time, Casters and Shifters lived in peace. Humans worshipped both groups of beings as gods themselves in a way, until Casters began to…get ahead of themselves. Their Goddess, you see, was different from the gods who created us. She was…she had once been human." This time you flat out gasped, shock plastered clear across your face, but he kept speaking. "Her name was Lilith. She was the only divine being with a name that was set—the others were called by many titles, which is why we refer to them as 'nameless.' Lilith, however, had been part of the first race of humans to walk the earth, and some way or another, she was granted divine immortality."

Now Leena spoke, her voice clear and confident. "The Casters believed they could become gods like their Goddess. They began to look down on humans and Shifters like the two races were nothing but dirt. Some Casters retained their wish to be peaceful, but many of their brothers and sisters viewed them as weaklings. Many Casters turned to the element of darkness rather than the others to do their bidding. Aurix, the Caster who had been granted her powers first, was also the first to rise up and declare a sort of war upon humans and Shifters. Because of this, much blood was spilt in only a matter of months…Caster magic against human fear and Shifter might. It was then that the gods decided to punish Lilith for creating such a treacherous race by imprisoning her on the moon. That is why Casters become much more powerful on the full moon."

Despite the fact that the information hadn't yet fully sunk into your mind, you somehow found the breath to talk. "But what does this have to do anything with me? I'm just some human who got roped into all of this by Aurix!"

"Now that…is quite interesting, really." Alaric gave you a wolfish smile. "Romulus, Leena and I, as I am sure you are aware, pitted our strength against Aurix's before she could accomplish something as mad as enslaving the human race. However, she managed to cast a curse on us before her time of dying—as I am sure you can imagine from the images she showed you. It was that curse that has made us stay in this state of existence for so long…and why her spirit was forced to wander the earth, slowly plotting vengeance. While we have been waiting here, however, we were suddenly plagued with visions. Visions of you, (name)."

The wolf and the two lions suddenly were crouched before you, in a stance with their heads bowed; a stance that almost seemed as if they were bowing to you.

"You are the Wolfsbane, (first name) (last name). You are the human who will bridge the gap between Shifters and Casters after all this time. You are the human who contains the heart, courage, and strength of a wolf. You are the Wolfsbane."

This was a bit too much for you.

Staggering back, you stammered out, "Th-this isn't making any sense! I'm not…whatever this Wolfsbane thing is! I'm just ordinary (name)! And I need to…get the hell out of here and stop Aurix before she does something really crazy!"

Romulus gave you a sad smile, shaking his head. "There is much you still need to learn, young one. Ordinary people can do extraordinary things. The Wolfsbane is not something you automatically are—it is something you earn."

"It is a title reserved only for those who have gained the blessing of the first Shifter and the creator of the Casters. Do you know what that means, (name)?" Leena questioned, her tail flicking from side to side.

You stared at Alaric in shock, who merely nodded his head in a calm and almost blasé manner. "…n-not really…"

"It means I have watched you for all this time, knowing you would be my descendant's savior," Alaric said softly. "I am Alaric the Wolf. The first Shifter to have been created. I was once a mere beast who hunted and slept and scented—that was my entire existence. Yet then the gods took me and made me into more. You have my blessing, (name), as well as the blessing of Lilith herself. Do you know how we know?"

You could only shake your head dumbly.

"Because she is going to visit you right…now."

With those last words, the whitewashed world around you suddenly dissolved into one of silver and gold. The three ancient Shifters were no longer there, replaced by trees of silver bark and golden leaves; moonlight strewn in softly from above, glinting on every inch of foliage yet it did not agitate your eyes. Somehow you were barefoot, the ground beneath your feet soft and cool as dirt sunk between your toes. Confusion ran rampant in your mind as you staggered around almost blindly, totally put off by the sudden change in scenery.

"Hello, (name)."

A yelp escaped your lips and you jumped about a foot in the air, hand clasping over your chest in shock. There was a woman before you, a woman who had not been there a moment before.

A woman you could not help but stare at.

She was…as ethereal as a goddess. Eyes a silver-yellow sheen just like the moon on a winter's night, with a waterfall of black hair that cascaded down her shoulders in onyx waves. Her skin was like marble, with not a single mark or scratch, and her form was dressed in a loose-fitting silver robe that almost glittered. She seemed to float, nearly, and smiled warmly at you, a glow all about her body.

"Please, do not be alarmed. I do not wish harm to you, (name). I wish to apologize and possibly make amends to the chaos that has befallen you. I am Lilith, the mother of Casters and goddess banished to the moon. This…is my realm."

Again, all this information was going to burn a hole into your brain.

You could only stutter out words incomprehensively, mouth gaping and eyes as wide as plates. Lilith's kind smile widened and she stepped—no, glided—forward, suddenly embracing you in her arms. She was warm yet cool, and instantly a feeling of content washed over you.

"You have been through very much, child, and I must apologize for this," she murmured, stepping away and stroking your (h/c) hair in a motherly fashion. "Because of my desire to give humans a bit of divine power, all this madness has come to be. I deserved to be banished here…but yet, I do not regret my decisions. Walk with me, dear (name)? I have much to tell you."

She held out here hand, and you shakily placed your own inside it—such a slender, smooth hand it was—and allowed her to pull you along the orchard of silver and gold trees. As the both of you walked, Lilith went on speaking, accepting your stunned silence.

"I am certain your mind is in a very befuddled state at the moment. Why, if I was in your shoes, I would be the same. I suppose I shall start with my beginning, yes? It is quite the simple story, really…"

Lilith looked up at the night sky, her eyes fixated on the heavenly body that graced the both of you with its serene light. "I was human, long ago. A simple, curious girl who loved the night. Unlike those around me, the darkness night brought with it did not frighten me. It filled me with a sense of…purpose. I began to look to the moon for my guide, and the night became my most favorite time. I was shunned, of course; while my fellow humans viewed me as some sort of twisted soul for loving the moon, they worshipped the sun and the day for the brightness they gave. Then, one day, I had a dream."

The goddess sighed, her hand patting yours as she continued to pull you along. "It was a dream of the moon and the stars and the night sky. They asked me if I wanted to be a goddess. I said yes. It was out of curiosity, of course—I was not exactly sure if the wish would be granted or not. However, the next thing I knew, I was awake and amongst the gods my people once worshipped, and they declared me the first goddess to be associated with the night."

You listened in silence, hanging on to her every word.

"I was happy. It was a simple existence. I did not question how it came to be. Those were the beginning times of the human race—you merely accepted what happened to you. When I heard of the other gods wanting to create a race where humans and animals were bonded into one being, I wanted to do something as well. So…I gave a group of humans who had always been my closest worshippers a bit of a star—and in that star, I gave them magic. The Shifters were created by the other gods, and the Casters became my children."

When she paused, you took up the silence to speak at last. "But…then what happened? The Casters turned evil…why didn't you try to stop them?"

Maybe you were going over a line, but it was an honest inquiry.

Lilith stopped in her tracks then. She turned her head towards yours, and on her lovely face was the most melancholic expression you had ever seen. "…power is something that not even gods should be trusted to handle. Power can warp a person into a monster. My Casters…became obsessed with reaching my level of divinity. Aurix especially. They all believed bloodshed was the quickest way to becoming gods…and I could not stop them. You see…"

Her silvery eyes shone with wetness, and a single tear rolled down her pale cheeks like a dewdrop straight from the moon.

"I was given powers that do not allow me to completely strip the magic from my Casters. They each have starlight flowing in their veins; I may be goddess of the moon, but not even I can pull that power from each and every one of my children. Yet when I tried to tell the other gods what I had done, they merely cast me away to the moon, and here I have been ever since…watching my children go against the path I desired for them."

Lilith sighed, shaking her head. "There is no such thing as perfection, dear (name). It is those that are the most imperfect who sometimes can accomplish the greatest as feats. Fate always had a plan for you, my child. I know this is impossible for you to believe, but it is the truth. Alaric, the first Shifter, gave you his blessing—as do I. The universe chose you from the moment you were born to take part in this, because the universe loves to change the common into the uncommon. You are the Wolfsbane, (name). You will stop my poor, misguided daughter Aurix from her delirium and rescue her soul. She will return to me at last…as she should have all those years ago."

Rather than protesting, rather than going off on a rant, rather than telling Lilith she was wrong, you simply nodded.

Perhaps it was the fact that all these crazy events were leading up to something even more insane, but you believed her. Every word.

As long as you were going to rescue Gilbert, you would do whatever it took.

"What do I have to do?" you asked, resigned.

Lilith smiled and leaned forward, pressing her lips to your brow before pulling away. "You will fight Aurix, my dear. I will be with you every step of the way—as will Alaric and Romulus and Leena. Know this, (name): you are never truly alone. Now go…Gilbert does not have much time left. Go and be the Wolfsbane, (name). Embrace your destiny…and run with the wolves whom have chosen you."

A smile spread across your lips as you glanced up towards the moon and it seemed to rush towards you. Bright light engulfed every particle of your being, and your eyes closed in content.

Darkness took over once again.


Smoke filled your nostrils. It was bitter, acrid, and laced the insides of your nose with a heavy, disgusting scent. The sound of wood crackling and breaking as if in a fireplace echoed in your ears, and an intense heat washed over your body like a tidal wave. Another smell hit you—the smell of something like flesh burning. Your noise crinkled in disgust, and more sounds reached your ears—the sounds of growling, snarling; but they were heartbroken and forlorn, like they were ready to…do whatever it took.

Your eyes opened.

It was hell all around you.

Fire. Fire everywhere. Trees were being consumed by starving flames and the ground was like a hot bed of coals. Your body felt uncomfortably hot, and when you tried to wipe your face, a paw that seemed to be devised of black flames came into your view. You flinched, staring at it like a foreign object, before slowly raising your head to the scene before you.


A large, black-as-coal wolf with icy eyes.

A wolf with eyes like emeralds and sleek brown fur.

Two blonde wolves with shaggy fur and evergreen eyes.

A wolf with russet-hued fur and wine colored eyes.

A dark black-brown, violet-eyed wolf.

All staring at you—glaring, with their fangs bared and bodies poised to attack.

And a wolf at your feet—no, paws—whose white fur was dancing with black flames and whose body did not stir. Who eyes did not open.

Whose scent was slowly disappearing in the smoke.

You stepped back somewhat, stumbling along as shock took hold of you. What the…? What's going on? That's…Gilberts pack. Ludwig. Elizabeta. Vash. Lily. Vladimir. Roderich. What are they doing here? We're in Prussia, right? And that's…Gilbert…why isn't he moving? Why is there…fire on him? What's…what is…

What's going on…?

A voice from above you. Cynical. Smug. Feminine.

"Do you see, you damn mutts? Your Alpha was a fool. No Shifter can defeat the glory of a Caster's magic. Look at him! Look at your precious Gilbert! He's dead! DEAD! And your little (name) killed him—this is her! LOOK AT HER! She's a demon now—a demon straight from hell! AND SHE'S MINE!"


All eyes on you.





Gilbert is dead.

The voice was no longer a voice. The voice had a figure, hovering in the air in front of you. Blonde hair. Venomous lavender eyes. The night wrapping itself around her.

"You all came too late~ I killed him! No…(name) killed him! And you cannot do anything about it—her soul, her mind, her body…it is all mine! You Shifters…you mongrels…you flea-bitten excuses for wolves…I have defeated you! Your Alpha is dead! Gilbert is dead! And I, Aurix, the rightful Caster, shall make this wretched world and its despicable humans my slaves!"


You roared, swiping a flaming paw straight through the transparent form of the Caster spirit. Immediately, she dispersed, and the wolf pack all scattered backwards in uncertainty, continuing to stare at you. Aurix said something—you didn't know what, because your attention was focused on the body at your feet—and you stared down at the white, burning form laying across the ground at an uncomfortable angle.


At least, that's what you tried to say. Yet nothing came out, except a garbled growl. Tentatively, you leaned forward, and the tip of your snout—Wait…what am I…?—touched his head. The black flames did not harm you, and it merely felt like wind tickling across your nose.

"Gilbert…stop playing around. You're all right. Get up. Get up now. You have to help me. You have to help me make Aurix go to where she belongs. I'm…I'm the Wolfsbane, Gilbert. I don't know what it means, but your grandpa Alaric told me I was exactly that. So…so…g-get up…g-get up…n-now…G-Gilbert…Gilbert…G-Gilbert…!"

Nothing but growls and grunts and yips left your jaws, and you felt your entire body shudder. Yet Gilbert did not move and simply continued to lay there on the ground with his eyes closed, burning.

Gilbert is not dead Gilbert is not dead Gilbert is not dead Gilbert is not Gilbert is not dead Gilbert is not dead Gilbert is not—

You threw your head back and howled, (e/c) eyes fixated on the moon that still managed to shine through the cloud of thick smoke. From somewhere behind you a voice was saying, "Damn you…how dare you break through my spells? You will obey me, pathetic human…you will be my demon! Obey me, (name)! OBEY YOUR MISTRESS AURIX!"

Goddess, give me strength.

You were (name).

You were in love with Gilbert Beilschmidt.

You were the Wolfsbane.

And you were going to send Aurix back to the goddamn stars if it killed you.

You spun around on your flaming haunches, fangs bared and fire dancing in your jaws. (E/c) eyes locked with violet ones as the apparition of the Caster woman stared you down with rage, a sword as dark as the shadows on the moon in her hands.

Without another thought, you leapt, intent on ripping through her phantasmal form with your claws.

I am the Wolfsbane, and I am going to kill you, Aurix.

The final battle was just beginning.
First: [link]

Previous: [link]

Next: [link] Haha. Hahahahaha.

I just keep pushing off the final battle scene.

I'm sorry but I swear it will be the next chapter. And then the chapter after that will most likely be the end. A good solid fifteen chapters. Doesn't that sound nice?

Oh. Oh. Oh yeah. I was listening to depressing Final Fantasy and Fairy Tail music while writing this. Aha.

You're all going to kill me for this chapter, aren't you? Well...hey! At least I uploaded it within less than a month of chapter twelve!

[link] <--- Go listen to that and re-read the last few scenes while you do so. It'll be fuuuuuun.
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